Exhibition Florence Palazzo Strozzi

Natalia Goncharova

An extraordinary exhibition in Florence after the success in London and Moscow (until 12th January 2020)

You can’t miss this unique collection of some of the most influential 20th century painting by Cezanne, Piasso, Matisse and Boccioni that have inspired the great Russian artist Natalia Goncharova.

This exhibition celebrates the extraordinary life of the eclectic Russian artist who lived between 1881 to 1962, years of great cultural ferment.

Natalia comes to contact with many artists and she moves on to create her own unconventional life reflecting on her original and innovative form of art. Her creativity explodes as a painter, costume designer, illustrator, sculptor and interior designer.

Natalia’s works enter international collections at Tetryakov gallery in Moscow, Tate gallery in London, the State Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg. She works for the Bolshoy Russian Ballet across Europe and the United States. She cooperates with great artists like Picasso and Chagal.

She is considered the Russian Avant-Garde icon the word so desperately needed.